Picture taken by Ben Skála.
Plant of the Week: Juniper
Junipers are one of the most diverse plants. While some varieties are considered shrubs, others are considered trees. These are used as ornamental plants in urban areas due to their ability to grow in any type of soil, so long as it is well drained.
Junipers are one of the top ten plants for wildlife habitats. From places to hide, food, to nesting material this is a great addition to keep your wildlife happy. After your Juniper has been established for 2 or more years they are also very drought tolerant.
How to care for Juniper:
Junipers can grow in any type of soil so long as it’s well drained. Junipers need full sun to light shade. Too much shade and the branches will separate to find more, causing irreparable damage.
Here are some pruning tips:
Junipers don’t need any pruning to maintain their shape. However some light pruning may be needed to keep a neat appearance.
Garrick-Santo Landscape Co.
(781) 322-0006 — 110 Eames Street Wilmington, MA 01887
Proudly serving North Suburban Boston, North Shore, Merrimack Valley, Metro West since 1981